Today Distance : 66.9 km Total: 66.9 km
Today weather : 13 -19C Sunny all day
Time on Bike : 5 hr 34 min
Ave speed : 12.0 kmh Max :61.6 kmh
Ave Climb : 3% Max :23%
Trip Altitude : 776 m Max : 254 m
Today spend : 2.4 nzd Total : 56.4 nzd
Yes I am finally on the road after staying 4 days in my old classmate's house in Manurewa.Thank you so much Mew Lin,wife Chuah Lay ching and her mother for hosting me,the foods were delicious and not forgetting all the goodies that you given me for my journey,I will be back here again to pack my bike when i completed my 2 months tour somewhere around 16 or 17 Jan next year to flight home on 18 Jan. Your warm hospitality and love will be long remembered. I started my first crank on 8am after having a bowl of instant mee hoon and coffee,the weather was perfect sunny as forecasted. My route took me on the Alfriston road towards a small town in Clevedon ,beautiful country road with some rolling terrain over many grasslands, this is the popular weekend cyclists playground as i saw quite many road cyclists along the way. Kawakawa bay is my first rest stop where i stop at a park to refresh after cranking for 35km. And then a few more steep hills where i struggled as this was my 1st day riding ,I wanted to take it easy with more rest stops to ease the muscle. There was a long stretch of dull flat before arriving Kaiaua where i bought 6 pcs of eggs ( 2.4 nzd) . The Kaiaua Overnight Camp is situated at a Boat Ramp just by the sea and has a public toilet totally free ,there were many motor homes already there and i was the only one setting up a tent. It's very windy and the pets have to be firmed when pitching the tents. The night however is quiet,calm and cold.Too tired to cook the rice and just boiled a bowl of instant noodle and coffee for dinner before i called it a day.
Today weather : 13 -19C Sunny all day
Time on Bike : 5 hr 34 min
Ave speed : 12.0 kmh Max :61.6 kmh
Ave Climb : 3% Max :23%
Trip Altitude : 776 m Max : 254 m
Today spend : 2.4 nzd Total : 56.4 nzd
Yes I am finally on the road after staying 4 days in my old classmate's house in Manurewa.Thank you so much Mew Lin,wife Chuah Lay ching and her mother for hosting me,the foods were delicious and not forgetting all the goodies that you given me for my journey,I will be back here again to pack my bike when i completed my 2 months tour somewhere around 16 or 17 Jan next year to flight home on 18 Jan. Your warm hospitality and love will be long remembered. I started my first crank on 8am after having a bowl of instant mee hoon and coffee,the weather was perfect sunny as forecasted. My route took me on the Alfriston road towards a small town in Clevedon ,beautiful country road with some rolling terrain over many grasslands, this is the popular weekend cyclists playground as i saw quite many road cyclists along the way. Kawakawa bay is my first rest stop where i stop at a park to refresh after cranking for 35km. And then a few more steep hills where i struggled as this was my 1st day riding ,I wanted to take it easy with more rest stops to ease the muscle. There was a long stretch of dull flat before arriving Kaiaua where i bought 6 pcs of eggs ( 2.4 nzd) . The Kaiaua Overnight Camp is situated at a Boat Ramp just by the sea and has a public toilet totally free ,there were many motor homes already there and i was the only one setting up a tent. It's very windy and the pets have to be firmed when pitching the tents. The night however is quiet,calm and cold.Too tired to cook the rice and just boiled a bowl of instant noodle and coffee for dinner before i called it a day.
Thank you for your great warm hospitality,and i will be back on 2 month's time |
Following route to Alfriston and Clevedon |
Good wide bike lane |
Sunny weather on a rolling terrain |
Taking a rest at the entrance to a farm |
Next destination Kawakawa Bay |
Strong Tailwind |
Nice rolling roads |
Waitawa Regional Park |
Grassland |
The road become narrower and the bike path disappear |
Nevertheless the traffic is very light |
The glimpse of Pacific Ocean |
Kawakawa Bay |
Light refreshment in Kawakawa Bay |
Kawakawa Bay |
Next destination Kaiaua,19 km away |
Hill after hill and now back to the coast |
Starts of a downhill after a climb |
Coastal road |
My lunch break |
Cows land |
Approaching Kaiaua town |
Free campground for the night with public toilet |
Free campground for the night with public toilet |
Campground with the ocean view |
My simple dinner ( no rice) |
Good ride Meng哥!
ReplyDeleteReally enjoy reading your blog,
My first plan oversea bike tour next March, feel nervous and excited
Go for it Yoo,you can do it